AuSPEN offers members the opportunity for two conference awards - The Bob McMahon and David Russell Prizes.

The Bob McMahon Prize will be preferentially awarded to an outstanding research presentation which may encompass:

  • Basic science

  • Clinical research

  • Clinical epidemiology

Systematic reviews are considered to be within the research category.

The David Russell Prize will be preferentially awarded to an outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement presentation which may encompass:

  • Translational research / translation of research into practice

  • Quality improvement programs/projects

  • Service development projects

  • Service/program analysis/evaluation

Eligible abstracts for both posters and oral presentations are considered for these AuSPEN prizes.    

Previous Award Winners

2023 Award Winners

  1. Tahnie Takefala - Dietitians Association of Australia Award for ‘Best Poster by a Dietitian’

  2. Emma Osland - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  3. Heidi Johnston - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

2022 Award Winners

  1. Annie Curtis - Award for ‘Best Poster’

  2. Peter Konstantopoulos - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  3. Kate Lambell - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

2021 Award Winners

  1. Anna Beaumont - Dietitians Association of Australia Award for ‘Best Poster by a Dietitian’

  2. Irene Defereos - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  3. Suzie Ferrie - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

2019 Award Winners

  1. Courtney Turner - Dietitians Association of Australia Award for ‘Best Poster by a Dietitian’

  2. Annabel Doolan - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  3. Lisa Murnane - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

2018 Award Winners

  1. Kym Wittholz - Dietitians Association of Australia Award for ‘Best Poster by a Dietitian’

  2. Miranda Einstein - President's Award for ‘Most Patient-centred Oral Presentation’

  3. Sophie Hogan - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  4. Ra’essa Doola - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

2017 Award Winners

  1. Jessie Varghese - David Russell Award for ‘Outstanding Clinical Service Enhancement Presentation’

  2. Louise Becroft - Bob McMahan Award for ‘Outstanding Research Presentation’

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